Isaiah 30:21 NIV
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”
“Just so you may know, the moment you declare yourself a child of God you are automatically a threat to the enemy. You have to be strong in Faith and Confident in God who never fails you.” #GodIsInYou
“Coming to think of it, if you say you feel overwhelmed then you must be making an impact in your world and the enemy is trying to frustrate your assignment with fear, doubt, and confusion.” #DontLoseFocus
Many voices may try to confuse you by bringing all kinds of mixed emotions to make you feel disturbed, remember this only God’s voice directs and shows you the way and his voice always comes out very clearly without any anxiety. #ListenToTheVoiceOfGod
Proverbs 16:9 ESV says; The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Have nothing to fear Royal, don't allow any distractions to take you off track from the purpose that God has called you for. Listen to God’s voice as he directs your path, walk in it, and don't let anything or anyone confuse you.
Watch God do great things through you.
#AnInspirationForYou #WithRatieShalom #ThursdayInspiration #DailyInspirations #ListenToHisVoice #StayFocused #StayCalm