John 11:21-23 NIV
“Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But I know that even now God will give you whatever you ask.” Jesus said to her, “Your brother will rise again.”
You may be saying “If only I had a job, if only I had money, if only I had connections, if only I had a business, or if only I had so and so in my life I would have been living better.” It's not too late for God to bless you and cause life to come in that dead situation, your condition is not for the world to look and see shame on you but for God’s Glory to be made manifest in your life so that they may believe Jesus is alive and at work in you. #ItIsNotUntoDeath
It doesn't matter how long your condition has been dead, how long you have lived jobless and moneyless, or how long you have been in that situation Jesus is saying to you “It will rise again.” There is hope for you, you will never be put to shame in life, and the Lord will cause life to come to any dead thing in your life. #YouWillRiseAgain
Don't worry about how long you have battled with that sickness or how long you have been experiencing that challenge, “It will rise again.” You may have buried your dreams, thrown down a towel on your goals, and lost hope in the desires of your heart, It is not too late for God to bless you even now your own Lazarus situation will RISE again. #ItIsNotLateForGodToBlessYou