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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 19 2022

Imagine you were Moses back then, with all the women, children, young and old men screaming on your ears out of fear. Behind the enemies are coming and in front of you is the red sea on the other hand while you are trying to put yourself together God is also talking. I can imagine Moses's head then.

Learn and master the technique of hearing the voice of God very loud and clear before taking any decision. There are many voices, sounds and screaming when a very huge miracle is about to take place. You will hear voices of jealous, of destruction, of fear, of panic, voices of advise and so on you have to pay a very close attention.

Before you Stretch that hand to divide the red sea of your new contract, new deal, new job, new opportunity etc.. make sure you heard God's voice and instruction very loud and clear amongst all the many voices. Thank God for the Holy Spirit your Helper he is with you.

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