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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 18 August 2022

There's this sickness called "I Start and Stop" that has affected lives and have delayed many people from making progress and living a purposeful life due to oppressions.

Any thing that disturbs your mental health, spiritual health, physical health, financial health, your peace or happiness needs WORD Therapy. The word of God is the best therapy you need now to help you out of any situation Royal. It is very affordable the only payment it requires is your Faith, your attention, your time and the willingness to take Action.

What are you a victim of today? with Word therapy you can receive your healing and be restored. All you have to do is to daily study the word of God, listen to messages that will minister to your spirit and feel your mind with God's word, listen to praise and worship songs, meditate, pray, make affirmations, have talking sessions and put it to practice.

Use the Word of God Royal, it works!

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