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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 15 December 2022

We live in a busy world that doesn't care about the next person but God does, we live in a world that says each men for himself but God for us all but God doesn't say so.

Depression is real and it can lead to suicidal thoughts Royal, don't give the enemy that chance to take advantage of your life. #ReachOutQuickly

Be accessible Royal, be a person of LOVE like your Heavenly Father is. Treat others with Respect and Honor don't chase people away but let them find home in you when they come, let them feel open to talk as you don't know what they may be battling with inside them.

Depression is real, it can lead to suicidal so don't give the enemy that opportunity to play with your destiny. #FightDepression Don't play the game of; "I'm a big man, I'm a big woman I can do it alone," If you can't #Talk

Ask God to direct you to the right person who can help you, a person of LOVE who won't judge you, a person who is willing to help. #TalkToSomeone #SeekCouncil

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