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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 1 June 2023

1 Timothy 4:8 NIV For Physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. Bible scriptures have some hidden insights that are actually in the open scriptures Royal, interesting right? When you study this particular verse you will notice that there is something that is said but it's not being mentioned openly which will now require the Spirit of God to reveal it to you. #Insights Have you ever asked yourself why you find it challenging for you to invest in spiritual things? Why do you find it challenging for you to achieve your goals in developing your Spirit? The answer is that ignorance doesn't want you to see and know what is within you. You are holding what is of value in all ways, a promise for both the present life and the life to come, God made it so, and it can't be changed it's a principle that he put in place for you as his Royal child. The only time you will understand this and have more in-depth into who you are is when you #Invest in your spiritual growth. #StartNow Happy New Month Royal! #AnInspirationForYou #WithRatieShalom #ThursdayInspiration #DailyInspirations #DevelopeYourSpirit #InvestInSpiritualThings #WorkOnYourSpiritualGoals #DeepInsights

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