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An Inspiration For You - Thursday 1 December 2022

It's ok to let people live on assumption, have an unclear picture about you, your moves or about what you are planning to do Royal that doesn't make you any less.

You honestly don't need to prove a point by showcasing yourself and still expect the enemy to be happy about you. #SilenceIsMedicine

You can progress behind the scene, move from one level of growth to another quietly and guess what? that will confuse the enemy even more. The truth is you don't owe anyone an explanation or want to prove a point that you can do something. #ProtectYourPeace

Protect your anointing, peace and your energy by learning to keep quiet though you may be tempted to act. Quietness helps you stay away from toxic environments, people, thoughts, arguments and activities that can drain you especially Mentally and Emotionally.

Don't take God's position by trying to prove anything Royal, let his power and work speak for you. #ItsOkToKeepQuiet

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