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An Inspiration For You - Monday 8 July 2024

1 Corinthians 9:24 AMP

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run [their very best to win], but only one receives the prize? Run [your race] in such a way that you may seize the prize and make it yours!

You can't be tired now Royal, you are in a race to fulfill your purpose here on earth so that you can receive your prize at the end, run aiming to win. Don't be careless on your journey and run aimlessly, you are not wasting your time, energy, and resources by doing all you do daily. Take yourself seriously and take what you do seriously too. #RunToWin

Think of all the things you have done, prayers and fastings you have made, investment of your time, money, energy, and resources, investment of the word of God, and every other activity you have involved yourself in do you want everything to go to waste? #Win

Your labor can't be in vain Royal, run to win the prize, imagine the pain of running only to give up and let someone else take the crown that was meant for you. Don't give up on your business, job, organization, ministry, purpose, or career keep going. #RunToGetThePrize

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