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An Inspiration For You - Monday 4 September 2023

2 Corinthians 3:18

But we all, with unveiled faces, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

Won't you be worried when a 5-year-old child behaves like a 1-year-old child? Won't you be worried when as an adult you still behave like a teenager? Well, you also should be worried when you don't experience a certain level of growth in your life because as far as God is concerned you have to grow from time to time. #TransformationIsNecessary

Change is never comfortable Royal If you can understand that you will stop thinking that each time you feel uncomfortable about something is because someone is trying to bewitch you, you have bad luck, or that there's a curse that is stopping you from making progress in life. #ChangeYourThinking

If a pregnant woman can grow to her due date, a newborn develops to the adulthood stage, a seed first dies and later germinates into a plant, if there is a stage to the stage level of education from foundation phase, intermediate phase, senior phase, Further Education and Training (FET), etc. then there should be stages of growth in Personal Development.

The word of God transforms, edifies, and encourages Royal, In the days you feel like giving up, the word of God strengthens you. Always be conscious of a change in your life and look forward to seeing A New You from time to time. #StayInTheWord

Happy New Week Royal!

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