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An Inspiration For You - Monday 4 July 2022

It doesn't matter how many times have you done it; you are not the first one so don't take it personal. It's not new at all even Peter the fisher man (Read Your Bible) to a point that he got discouraged and gave up, but when he met JESUS he explained his situation JESUS said to him "Go back again," He tried to say "But master please I have done this many times it isn't working," JESUS said; "Go back again" and guess what? he got it right this time. #YouWillGetItRightThisTime

Go back to your drawing board you too explain your own situation to your loving brother JESUS CHRIST he will help you strategize and yes you will surely get it right this time because your brother doesn't give you strategies that do not work that's his area of expertise. #HeWillHelpYou

In Royalty there's no giving up Go back again JESUS did it for Peter he will surely do the same for you and even more. #GoBackAgain

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