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An Inspiration For You - Monday 30 October 2023

John 7:38

He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

You are a fountain and an extension of blessings to your world and you are like an ocean that never dries. When you see you, see a distributor of blessings the one whom your world depends on because there's a flowing of living water in you. #Blessed

When you show up solutions show up, and those around you get blessed because of your presence. God blesses, gives, and heals the sick through you because he chose you as an extension of blessings.

You may be going through some challenges right now and wondering, “How am I a blessing when I am personally in need of a blessing?” Well! You are the Joseph of this time being prepared for a great tomorrow hold on to the string of Faith in God. Situations can’t stop the flow of the living water in you. #YouAreUnStoppable

Happy New Week Royal!

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