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An Inspiration For You - Monday 26 December 2022

Have you ever been told don't get too excited you may get disappointed and you also believed it? Days of ignorance are over Royal, if you can believe in the word you are being told that result to limiting your emotions you can also believe in the one that lifts your emotions. #BeExcited

You can get excited about your Future because your Faith is not in men but in the one who created men.

If you can feel scared about anything that is negative you also can be brave in what is positive the outcome will be the same and that is "How you respond to what comes into your mind." God didn't give us the Spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear but he gave us the Spirit of power and of Love and of a sound Mind. #BeExcited

Be excited about your work, your future, your promotion, your business, your family, your blessings, your expectations your finances etc.. Look forward to greater things, see yourself climbing ladders of success in every area of your life, God said as the men thinketh in his heart so is he. #ThinkBig #BeExcited

Happy New Week Royal!

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