Romans 4:18-21 NLT
Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping—believing that he would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how many descendants you will have!” And Abraham’s faith did not weaken, even though, at about 100 years of age, he figured his body was as good as dead—and so was Sarah’s womb. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this, he brought glory to God. He was fully convinced that God is able to do whatever he promises.
Faith is believing in God regardless of your condition Royal, yes there may be no money in your pocket now, and yes you may be in a hopeless situation but still hope and believe in the Word that God spoke into your life regarding your wealth, health, your career, success, your ministry, job, business, purpose, marriage, family and every other that concerns your life. #Believe
In your worst situation that is when you should grow more in faith and believe that no matter how bad the condition may be or how long you have been at that level the word of God will surely come to pass in your life. Don't give up be like your Father Abraham who staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief but was strong in Faith giving Glory to God. #StayFocusInHisWord
Be convinced that God is able to do what he promises, everything he said to you will surely come to pass don't be moved by the reality of your situation but by what God said.
Happy New Week Royal!