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An Inspiration For You - Monday 19 June 2023

Learn to be calm, be at peace, and take your time when thinking about something, doing something, or making a decision on anything Royal.

You can be the cause of confusion when you choose to think in a complicated way, especially on assumptions, or when you carry or do what is bigger than your capabilities. #TakeYourTime

God wants you to function like him, he wants you to have authority and work according to his pace, and use his wisdom. When God created the universe he was not in a hurry, nothing or no one was chasing him, and he was not in competition with anyone. He used his creativity while he was in a good peaceful state of mind and focused. #DontRushRoyal

Relax your #Mind be at #Peace and do life the Godly way it's easy and there's no pressure at all. Don't do complicated things that will complicate your tomorrow. #Easy

Happy New Week Royal!

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