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An Inspiration For You - Monday 16 January 2023

There is a principle you can never skip in any area of your life and that is the process of sowing seeds, nurturing and cultivating before reaping. #SowSeeds

You can't expect to reap where you did not sow Royal and the seeds you sow will determine the type of harvest you will get. #BeConsciousOfYourSeeds

There are seeds of your Actions, Time, Thoughts, Labor, Service, Love, Character, Prayer, Voluntary, Studying, Words etc. In fact you have been sowing seeds all this time consciously or unconsciously. #ResultsWillSpeak

What type of seeds are you sowing in your Business, Work, Family, Finances, Relationships etc. Note: you can't reap fruitful harvest without sowing and nurturing the right way. #ItsAPrinciple

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