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An Inspiration For You - Monday 13 June 2022

One of the strategies the enemy uses to stop you from moving forward is to keep you in bondage emotionally. He will make you find a reason to complain about everything, notice everything that is going or yet to go wrong just to hurt your emotions before you know it you are stuck on the same level. #RefuseToBeDistracted

Royal never allow the enemy play around with your emotions protect your Spirit, your Mind, your Heart and your Body. Infact protect everything that belongs to you including your Family, secure your peace with the Presence of the Holy Spirit, kick every demon I mean everything including the ones that are yet to come out of your way. #TakeCharge

Don't carry yesterday's burdens and distractions to this new week, Royalty is exercising your Authority you are not the enemy's emotional toy reject every distraction even those that come in a form of kindness. The throne is yours be the Boss don't be bossed around.


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