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An Inspiration For You - Monday 11 December 2023

1 Corinthians 14:40 NIV

But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.

The wonderful thing about the word of God is that you can find everything in it about your business, your job, your organization, your marriage, your family, your character, your spiritual, physical, mental, financial emotional, social growth etc. Everything you want to learn about you find it in the word.

God loves order and productivity, you can't do things as if you don't have the Spirit of Excellence in you Royal, you need to plan your life, plan your things, your work and everything that you are to achieve and how to achieve it. #HaveOrderInYourLife

If you don't plan now, doing things last minute will frustrate you and it will be like you don't know what you are doing, you don't have the Holy Spirit because of your carelessness in planning and preparing. #PlanNow

You can't be too busy throughout such that you don't have time to sit down, reflect, restrategize, and plan for your next movements in your projects accordingly.

Plan Now, Prepare and Put your things in order, you need to stay ready for everything.

Happy New Week Royal!

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