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An Inspiration For You - 7 February 2023

Feeling uncomfortable can be a message for many things Royal you need to pay attention to discomforts don't sweep them under the carpet of fear or ignorant it may cost you.

Discomfort can be a sign that you need to come out of your comfort zone it's time to grow, if it's your health it's a sign to say "Don't ignore I need your attention something is not functioning the way it should," so don't ignore Royal give it #Attention before it grows to a more complicated condition.

Pay attention to what you are not comfortable with, stop thinking that things are not moving the way they should because someone somewhere bewitched you. #ChangeThatMindset

What If I tell you "You are that someone who bewitched you because of your Mindset? That discomfort is sending a message or a signal to you;

"Please give me attention;" "I'm suffocating I need expansion," "It's time for better and greater things come out of your comfort zone"

Stop thinking of WHY you are in that discomfort and begin to think of HOW to solve it and your HOW is GOD himself don't leave him behind.

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