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An Inspiration For You - 28 November 2022

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Don't be like a man at the pool of Bethesda who was in a condition for a long time waiting and hoping that others will help him solve his own problem yet he still blamed them for not helping him. #TakeOwnership

The question is very simple Jesus is asking again this time he is asking you not the man at the pool of Bethesda, "DO YOU WANT TO GET WELL?"

Take ownership Royal stop blaming others for not being where you should be, it's because you are not taking a step of faith to demand a change in what you want and take action. #DemandAChange

Leave others out of your business, there's no 'WE' don't wait for the help of others or the approval of men to be where you want to be, have what you want or be what God wants you to be.

This time is about you Royal, "Do you want to get well in that situation you have long been in? You know it.

Happy New Week Royal!

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