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An Inspiration For You - 25 April 2023

It's not only pride that can stop you from growing or move from one level to another Royal, ignorance can do so too

Learn to see others as important, special and of value just like you think you are. In God's eyes we are all special and important no matter what you think of others. #ValueOthers

What you have been praying for the last few Days, Months and Years maybe be in the words of that little child you abuse or ignore, that employee you undermine, that boss you bad mouth, that sister or brother you say is not educated, that client you ignore their call, that friend you left, that spouse you don't give attention or that parent you disrespect and say he or she's old school.

Don't undermine others they may be that angel sent by God to help you, remember to God we are all special. What you look down on today might be what you will need tomorrow so be wise Royal.

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