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An Inspiration For You - 24 April 2023

The wheel may still be moving but that doesn't mean it has enough air or oil in it Royal, you have to pause and give it attention before it get's damaged.

You are scared to take a break all in the name of "what will others say or think of me if I stop, I got to keep going even when it's not working I will fix it along the way, people shouldn't see my weaknesses, I have to maintain my status and my life style..." Are you for real right now?

No! No! That's enough you just have to stop right there Royal, you are not helping yourself by doing that. It's ok to take a break re-plan and think again that doesn't make you a failure at all.

You can take a break talk to precious Holy Spirit let him guide you on how to re-strategize and get back on track again that's what a smart person does. Don't slowly move yourself to a pity of failure in the name of "what will they say?"

Take a break, fix it first and then continue...

Happy New Week Royal!

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