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An Inspiration For You - 22 February 2023

Being a Man and a Woman of your word shows the respect you have for God, for yourself, for people and for your work Royal. #BeOfYourWord

When you make a promise to God fulfil it.

When you make a promise to Men fulfil it.

When you make a promise to Goals fulfil it.

When you make a promise to Purpose fulfil it.

When you make a promise to Vision fulfil it.

When you make a promise to Body fulfil it.

When you make a promise to Time fulfil it.

If you made any promise to God, to your yourself, to a client, to your employees, to your business partner, to a friend, to your Spouse, to your children etc. fulfil your word Royal. #BeOfYourWord

Look at yourself on the mirror and say, "I am a Man, I am a Woman of my Word, If I promise to do something I deliver excellently."

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