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An Inspiration For You - 18 April 2023

Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of death, fear of struggle, fear of health issues, fear of tomorrow etc. has affected and held people into captive by limiting them from enjoying their freedom in Christ.

When you want to make a change in any area of your life don't panic or let the move overwhelm you Royal, put your trust in God as you take a step of #Faith it is normal to feel uncomfortable but that shouldn't cause anxiety in you.

You can go ahead and make a change in your business, in your work place, your life if you and God had a meeting about it, discussed and agreed on the new change then have nothing to fear. If God gave you a go ahead then take that #BoldStep of Faith without any worry of "will it work or what if?"

Change is growth don't stress about what will happen after, you will be very OK! God has your back. Cast that fear out and take a bold step of Faith.

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