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An Inspiration For You - 15 August 3023

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Don't be quick to blame God for why he is not letting you go to where you want to go, why he isn't allowing you to sign that contract, why he isn't opening that international door, why he isn't letting you have that child or why he isn't letting your business move fast in your small location and why he isn't allowing you get that job. He isn't letting you have access to the plan you made for yourself because it's smaller than what he has in his mind for you. #GodHasBiggerPlansForYou

God said the PLANS, not the plan you made a plan hoping is the right one for your life and God is saying to you that is smaller than what I have on my table here. The map that I have here for me to take your business to the nations, your vision to the ends of the earth is not what you have Son, Daughter.

You made a plan I made Plans, I won't let you because your little plan won't let you either. Your plan will make you an ordinary person later on as good as it looks but the one I have here will make you a Leader over nations so chill, drop your plan, and take my #Plans

Maybe you have been wondering why can't you access your blessing God said we must think big, plan big, and ask him for anything he will give us. Well! There's nothing wrong with your asking, dreaming big, and planning the only challenge about your plan is that the route you want to take is smaller than that of God. #GoBackToGodsDrawingBoard

Drop your plan and grab God's, Plans Royal.

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