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An Inspiration For You - 1 February 2023

The reason God entrusted you with the assignment, the idea or the vision he gave you is because you are the right #Faithful vessel he can use to touch lives don't let power get into your head Royal.

Your waking up in the morning is connected to a life that needs to be changed, the tusk you are handling is connected to a life that needs to be impacted. Your labor is a service to others Royal put your all in it, it's not about you to feel good about your position, enjoy power and make some income but to help others.

You are only a beneficiary of the blessings that are in that Business, Organization, Job, Company or the Ministry that God committed to your trust. You are a servant of Christ on a mission to impact lives.

If you can wake up everyday with this in mind you will never struggle to work with people, your humility and the fear you have for God will promote you everyday and you can be entrusted with more responsibilities.

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