Romans 12:2 NIV
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.
Think of the years that have passed while you implemented the same strategies that have not taken you to a whole new entire level Royal, yet you blame God or hope that the universe will miraculously favor you and bring the desires of your heart without your contribution to changing the ways of doing things. #DoThingsDifferently
It's time to renew your Mind and do things differently by learning and equipping yourself with God’s Word, reading books, doing research, etc, and asking God for increased wisdom that will produce tangible results each time you stand to take action.
The Year itself won't bring you anything unless you change your Mindset and how you do things. There's Increased Glory and Grace for you to take advantage of, and there's increased Ability to make use of. Don't sit and fold your hands with the hope that one day you will achieve your dreams without your willingness to change. #ChangeYouFirst
Stand up, Work on yourself, and Act now. The work has begun. #RenewYourMind
Happy New Year Royal!