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Am Inspiration For You - Thursday 13 July 2023

Imagine being given the responsibility of taking care of a newborn baby until he or she becomes an independent adult that can also be entrusted with that same assignment as you. That's your entire life's responsibility.

Now think about what will happen when you decide to keep the child in a room, you don't feed the child properly, you don't bathe the child, and you don't assess or teach the child anything about human development. What do you think will become of that child? You see that it takes so much to raise a child right?

There's a reason why God gave us a stage to state the structure of human growth, because he is God don't you think he would have just made us adults right after coming out of our mother's wombs? #ExpectToGrow

The same applies to your #PersonalGrowth Royal, you have to grow daily, feed your #Mind with the right information that will reform you so that you can be able to measure the progress of your #Growth

Make growth your everyday lifestyle and be excited to see you grow #StepByStep becoming that great man or woman of your dream.

Isaiah 28:10-13 KJV

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:

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